Nameyek ji bo Dêmostora li ser rêjeya nişteciyên Kurd li Sûrya.

Rêzdar Sitêvan
Demostora,nûnerê nevdewletî ji bo qeyrana Sûrya.
 Li ser zimanê we hat ragihandin ku rêjeya
Kurdan li Sûrya5% ne,û evê dilsarî li ba beşên rewşenbîr û siyasiyên Kurd
 Helwest û ragihandina we cihê gomanê ye ,û
nayê pejirandin ku ji layê berpirsekî di astek bilind de bi vî rengî be!.
 Kesayetek wek we destnîşankirî ji bo
çareserkirina pirsgirêka Sûriya dide xwyakirin ku ti pêzanîna wî bi bilge û
dokîmentên girêdayî hebûna gelê Kurd li Sûrya tune ye,û dide xwyakirin ku ew
guhdanê bi nerîn û helwesta layên ne dirist û şovînî,yên li dijî gelê Kurdin,û rola
wî ya dîrokî di dîroka avakirina Sûrrya de dike.
 Birêz Dêmostora
 Yekîtiya Nivîskarên Kurdistana Sûriya, ji we dxwazdike ku hun çavkehniya ku we helwesta xwe li ser avakiriye bide xwyakirin,û em jî ji layê xwe ve lêpirsîna bîlgeyî ya endamê Y.N.K.S,mamoste Elî Cizîrî li ber we dideyinin,ya ku li ser nirixandina Gelên Yekbûyî(Civata Miletan) di sala 1925 an ,û her weha lêpirsîn,û nirixandina Firensiyan ya dema Sûrya ji layê wan ve dagirkirî bû.
Li vir em beşê beşê pêşî ji lêpirsîn,û lêkolîna mamoste Elî Cizîrî li ber destê we dideynin:
(Ez ê belgeyên rasteqîne bidim xwyakirin,û berî wê ez dibêjim ku wê kesek nikaribe hijmara herî rast ya Kurdan diyar bike,ji ber hemi pêkhatên Sûrî di nasnamê de di bin navê Erebên Sûrî de hatine nivîsîn.)
 1-Li gorî serhijmara Gelên Yekbûyî di:
 Sala  1923an de,hijmara Kurdan li Sûriya 300000n hebûn,û ji ber zêdebûna sirûştî di salê de ji 1000 î 30 e,ev dide xwyakirin ku di 20 salan de du qat dibe .Nemaze li welatekî mîna Sûriya,û li gorî vê nerînê em encamê ji we re pêşkêşdikin:
Sal                                             Hejmara neşteciyan 
 1920                                             300000n
 1945                                             600000n
1965                                              1200000n
 1985                                              2400000n
 2005                                              4800000n
Li gor vê rapirsînê rêjeya Kurdan dibe 20,8 %.
2-Li gor rapirsîn û nirixandina Firensiyan di sala 1923an de,û ji bilî Kurdên Şam,Heleb,Reqa,Idlib ,û Laziqiyê rêjeya Kurdan li Sûriya 200000n bûn.
 Sal                                             Hejmara neşteciyan 
1923                                                200000n
1943                                                400000n
1963                                                 800000n
 1983                                              1600000n
2003                                               3200000n
2011                                               4800000n
 Ji ber hijmara Sûriyan di destpêka şoreşê de 24 milyon bû ,rêjeya Kurdan ji sedî dibe 20%.( 4800000-24000000).
 Fermo encama rastiyê û di dawî de rêz û silav.
 Y.N.K.S. Qamişlo Sûriya.
A message to Mr.Staffan de Mistura
about the population statistics of the Syrian Kurds
Mr. Staffan de Mistura; the International envoy to Syria,
       The mass media have recently reported that your excellency declared .that the percentage of the Kurds is only 5 % out of a total Syrian population, which made the cultural, and political Kurdish elites feel furious.
      We think that your estimation was so far from truth and your statistics were not accurate, and that this kind of statement from the most senior international official commissioned with solving the Syrian crisis shows that you are not familiar with the accurate documents concerning the Kurds”””””””””””””””” existence in Syria. It also shows that you consulted on figures from unfair sides, which have chauvinist attitudes towards the Kurdish people, their existence and historical role in constructing Syria.
Mr. Staffan de Mistura,
       We, the Syrian Kurdistan Writers secured, request you to uncover the references, which you depended on in this statement in order to know how reliable and objective they are. We will offer you a documented survey conducted by one of the Syrian writers that deals with the population statistics based on the estimation of League of Nations in 1925 and the French estimations when Syria was under the French mandate. They will be as an example you can rely on and consult with.
   It is not accepted to publish a random and calculating estimation about the population of a nation who have suffered from persecution and injustice for long decades.
 Here is a part of the survey conducted by the Kurdish researcher, Mr. Ali Al- Jazeeri.
( I will deal with two truthful documents in this respect. But before presenting them, I would like to say that no one can give the accurate number of the Kurds in Syria simply because the Syrian citizens, irrespective of their ethnic, religious and doctrinal differences, are registered in the civil registry offices under the name of (Syrian Arab)
The First Document:
        According to the estimations of League of Nations in 1925, the number of the Kurds was 300 thousand people, and since the annual natural growth rate of the population is over 30 per thousand, the number will multiply every twenty years in a Middle East country like Syria, and this is something well-known for all who are concerned in studying the human geography.Based on this, we will examine the following obvious chart:
The year                                                                 estimated number of the Syrian Kurds
1925                                                                          300, 000 people
1945                                                                          600, 000 people
1965                                                                          1,200, 000 people
1985                                                                          2,400, 000 people
2005                                                                          4,800, 000 people
Knowing that the population of Syria at the time was less than 23 million people, this means that the percentage of the Kurds is as follows:
                 4, 800, 000 x 100 ÷ 23, 000, 000 = 20.8
 The Second Document dates back to the French estimations of the year 1923 where the number of the Kurds was about 200 thousand people excluding the Kurds in the Syrian cities ( Damascus, Aleppo, Lattakia, Hama, Al-Raqqa, Idlib  Once again let us have a).
         look at this chart:
The year                                                                 estimated number of the Syrian Kurds
1923                                                                            200, 000 people
1943                                                                            400, 000 people
1963                                                                            800, 000 people
1983                                                                            1,600, 000 people
2003                                                                            3,200, 000 people
2011 ( beginning of the Syrian revolution)                4,800, 000 people
   Knowing that the population of Syria at the beginning of the revolution was less than 24 million people, this means that percentage of the Kurds is as follows:
4800, 000 x 100 ÷ 24, 000, 000 = 20%
   Please, consider what the outcome will be.
Best Regards
Syrian Kurdistan Writers secured                                   Qamishlo 12 / 7 / 2016

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